Thursday, March 5, 2015

Vegetable Pot Pie for 2

Temperatures outside have gone from the upper 60's to the mid 30's in the past 12 hours.  Yesterday I was out running in shorts and a tank and today, I'm cuddled up with a blanket.  The weather has been crazy to say the least.  While I generally love winter and enjoy the cooler weather, I'm over it, as is, I believe, the rest of the country.  However, as I have no control over the weather, all that's left to do is to eat good food and try to stay warm.  I feel like I've been living off of carbs and warm soups since the start of winter, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. This simple pot pie recipe has become a super easy go to. So, grab your vegetables and get ready! 

Vegetable Pot Pie for 2
Prep Time: 35 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup onion finely chopped
1 clove minced garlic
3/4 cup celery, chopped
3/4 cup carrots, chopped
3/4 cup portobella mushrooms, chopped
3/4 cup potato, chopped
1/4 cup flour
1 cup broth
1/4 cup milk
1 cup peas
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1 egg yolk 
Or just use a pre-made 

  1. Saute onion and garlic in oil  for 3-5 minutes on medium-high heat.  
  2. Add celery, carrots and mushrooms and reduce heat to medium. Cook another 6-8 minutes. 
  3. Add potatoes and stir in flour; cook for 2 minutes while stirring.  
  4. Add broth and milk and stirs until the mixture just comes to a boil and thickens. 
  5. Reduce heat to low and fold in peas, herbs and salt and pepper
  6. Roll the dough out thinly and line the small casserole dish; use a fork to poke holes along the bottom. Fill with vegetables and broth and cover with the remaining rolled out dough. 
  7. Whisk the egg yolk with 2 teaspoons water and a dash of salt.  Brush the mixture over the dough and between the layers of dough. Cut a few holes across the top to vent.
  8. Bake 30-35 minutes
  9. Let rest for 10 minutes before serving. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

High Five for Friday

  1. I love Erika's goal of making mornings magnificent this year. I've definitely been working towards becoming a morning person (especially since figuring out a few months ago that I had become neither a morning nor a night person). I've been working on moving my phone further away, waking up to NPR (which is one of my favorite things) getting out of bed before hitting snooze, and enjoying time with B and my coffee before getting ready for work.  Geneva has some great tips; but it's a work in progress for me. 
  2. Speaking of my morning coffee.  I've been researching new methods for coffee brewing. I've always been torn on the keurig.  I received one as a gift a few years ago.  I love the idea of quickly brewing just enough for myself, but the wastefulness of the k-cups and the fact that you are flowing extremely hot liquid through pretty thin plastic have always given me doubt.  I had tried several BPA free, reusable K-cups but I never found one that I loved, most left the coffee just a tad gritty.  Then I read this article a few months ago and it sealed the deal, I've decided to find another option, preferably one that doesn't involve a reservoir or flowing nearly boiling liquid .  I've been looking for a coffee maker ever since (obviously not too quickly). This seems interesting and I've read a little on the Chemex. Have you used either of these? Have a better idea?
  3. I have been eating all the carbs I can find in effort to stay warm in my ridiculously cold, old house.  Recipes for vegetable pot pie and mashed root vegetables coming soon!
  4. Also, my daily struggle  I can completely relate to trying to do just one more thing before leaving.
  5. And on a completely ridiculous note, I've started watching the bachelor (I'm pretty sure I've previously mentioned that I'm never the first on a trend).  But why is this show so addicting?  I was originally drawn in by Kardashley and the crazy Auburn grad, but I haven't missed an episode since either's departure. Whatever this crazy show is, it's definitely entertaining. And even more so are the various live tweets and this recap  

Monday, February 9, 2015

French Women Don't Get Fat

I started to purchase How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are a couple of weeks ago, but felt too guilty to add another book to my collection of books I'm totally going to get around to reading. I started reading French Women Don't Get Fat, by Mireille Guiliano, over a year ago - right around the time I started my job and realized working full time is exhausting compared to the part time retail job I had previously held. Once I moved into my new apartment, the book took up roots on my book shelf where it was forgotten. I just recently picked it back up and have really enjoyed this light read. 

I don't read self-help books, and kind of thought this was something different when I ordered it off of Amazon. However, I have so enjoyed Guiliano's advice and discussion on French culture. The book includes recipes and encourages moderation of the less healthy and avoiding "diet" foods but also discusses the French culture that revolves around food. Between rushing out the door in the morning, eating lunch at my desk and finally crashing in front of the TV or computer to eat dinner, it's hard for me to imagine taking a time out to eat each meal and really savor my food. Guiliano also advises cooking for yourself, eating natural food, and being active, which I think we can all agree are positive and achievable goals. 

Come to find out, Guiliano has since published several books on French culture, including French Women Don't Get Facelifts, which sounds awesome.  I will definitely be adding it to my reading list. 

Have you read French Women Don't Get Fat or How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Roasted Winter Vegetables

....And one more time. I haven't had the best luck on the computer front lately.  Between my computer's meltdown with the installation of Lightroom, and Blogger deleting multiple posts, I was pretty much ready to throw this thing out.  I think my computer may have just needed a break - don't we all from time to time.  Now on to more important things, like food...

Don't be dismayed by the brussels sprouts in this roasted vegetable medley.  While I'll admit I've only ever tried brussels sprouts roasted, I find them absolutely delicious. If you just aren't sure about them, this is the way to try them (or really almost any vegetable). A cousin to the common cabbage, brussels sprouts are excellent sources of vitamin C and vitamin K. Combining them with potatoes, carrots and onions, as well as a few herbs, creates a well balanced and flavorful meal. 

I had initially intended on this recipe being a little more dependent on winter vegetables, but local availability of parsnips, and a sub-par job of grocery shopping put a halt to that idea.  I grabbed a few new potatoes I had on hand and threw in a few aromatics, and viola, an easy and delicious dinner (or side dish, if you prefer).

Roasted Vegetables
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook time 30-40 minutes

2 cups chopped red potatoes
2 cups chopped brussels sprouts
1 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
2 cloves minced garlic
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon thyme, fresh or dried
1/2 teaspoon chives, fresh or dried
salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 375°F
  2. Combine chopped vegetables in a large bowl, add olive oil, herbs and seasonings and toss
  3. Spread evenly in a large (9 x 13) casserole dish
  4. Bake 30-40 minutes, until potatoes are tender and brussels sprouts start to develop a golden color