Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Goals for the New Year

I am a work in progress in many regards. I will work towards several goals in the coming year, but I don't so much feel as if I'm making New Years Resolutions as I am striving to do better in general. I aim to eat less refined sugar, move towards a more organic and vegetable based diet, and find more ways to embrace the little bits of goodness all around me in the coming year.  The difference is, these are actions I have worked on in the past and know that I will continue to strive towards.  I will not be done with them at any point in the coming year, and I'm so okay with that.  Also, I'm not resolving to give up anything. I am almost positive I will eat cheeseburgers and have bad days in 2015, it is what it is. 

New Year's Resolutions are believed to have originated in ancient Rome, as people would make promises to their gods to return borrowed items and pay off debts.  I'm not completely sure why, but I find this to be so positive. Ancient Romans were aware that they could do better and were willing to strive for that. I think having goals to eat a little better, be a little kinder and work a little harder is wonderful, but I think the best part is that you are making a goal. I don't mean that we are all screwed up and should probably do something with ourselves. By making a goal, you are recognizing something you could do a little better and focusing your intentions.

You have to wonder if the resolutions of the Ancient Romans were better kept at the time. I think the aspect that hinders many goals and resolutions is the grandeur of the goals. While losing weight may be a good goal for you, eating more vegetables, or exercising 3 times a week, may be more obtainable resolutions which would enable you to meet your overall goal. If you were making a shopping list, wouldn't it make more sense to list the individual groceries that you needed rather than just writing "groceries" on your list. In this sense I have come up with my own obtainable goals:
  1. Experiment with and using more honey, molasses, sucanat, sorghum, and 100% maple syrup
  2. Develop meat based dishes into more vegetarian friendly options
  3. Start waking up earlier to allow for a calmer morning and less hectic commute
  4. Running and walking more- this isn't for health as much as a time of reflection
Need help coming up with your own goals and resolutions? Here are a few interesting articles that may help:
      I love the focus of these articles from The Everygirl
      Also, Erika's less and more approach
      Lastly, a fun and ridiculous way to hash out goals

Hope your New Year is Bright!

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